| 姓名:
| 黄治琴
| 性别:
| 女
| 1966.12
| 民族:
| 汉
| 教授/硕士
| 职务:
| 天津师范大学
| 0531-82765480
| 永利yl23411
| ss_huangzq@ujn.edu.cn
1985.9-1989.7山西师范大学数学系数学与应用数学专业 获学士学位
1989.9-1992.7 天津师范大学数学系 数学教育学专业获硕士学位
2010.9-2011.7 北京大学数学科学院 概率论与数理统计专业 获访问学者证书
2015.9-2016.2,在加拿大Algoma University做访问学者
1992.7-2001.1 在山东建材学院基础部任教
3.主持并完成山东省软科学项目:山东省高新技术产业碳排放强度的问题及对策研究,第1位,2012.5-2013.12 (2012RKB01101)。
4.主持并完成山东省统计局课题“山东省高新技术产业碳排放指标体系的统计分析研究” (KT12044),第1位,2012,6-2013.6。
5.主持并完成横向课题:基于粗糙集与BP神经网络的地质钻具故障诊断系统开发,第1位,2010.6-2011.6 (W10123)。
6.承担国家自然科学基金项目:多源信息融合算法设计及其在发现复杂疾病致病基因问题中的应,第5位,2010.1-2010.12( 10926027)。
7.承担永利yl23411基金项目:粗糙集与粗糙函数模型理论及应用研究,第2位,2007.5-2010.5 (XKY0703)
8.承担山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目:基于多元信息融合发现和分析人类复杂疾病致病基因,第5位,2009.12-2012.12 (BS2009SW044)。
9.承担永利yl23411科技基金项目:复杂疾病致病基因的发现和研究,第4位,2009.5-2011.5 (XBS0914)。
1.Statistical Applied Research on Carrying out Activity-based Costing in International Express Mail Service. Recent Advanced in Statistics Application and Related Areas, 2008, 8.第1位,ISTP收录, pp 1481-1486。
2.The Application of Mathematical Statistic in Modern Family Life Managing Finances. Conference Proceedings of 2009 International Institute of Applied Statistics Studied, 2009, 7.第1位,ISTP收录, pp 590-594。
3.Analysis and Application of Small Current Grounding System Transient Based on Mathematical Models. 2010 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, 2010.6,第1位,EI收录, pp 419-423。
4.Euler Travels Algorithm of Weighted Semantic Networks. Electronic Commerce and Information Engineering in China, 2010.第1位,ISTP收录, pp50-54。
5.Preliminary Discussion on the Applications of Cloud Computing in the Bank System. Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control, 2011, 1, Vols. 50.第1位,EI收录, pp 273-277。
6.The Establishment of Mathematical Model of LED Based on Monte Carlo Method, Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies. 2011, 5, Vols. 480–481.第1位,EI收录, pp 1571-1576。
7.The Stable State Analysis on the Single-phase Earth Fault of Small Current Grounding System Based on Mathematical Model. 2011 International Conference on Electronics and Optoelectronics. 2011,7,第1位,EI收录,pp45-48。
8.Applied Research on the Electric wet effect in Optical System Design. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 2, Vols. 383-390.第1位,EI收录。pp 4889-4894。
9.Research on the Issue of LED’s Cooling Based on Heat Conduction Equations. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 5 ,Vols. 507.第1位,EI收录,Pp137-141。
10.The New Design of LED PackageBased on MATLAB Program, The 3rd International Conference on Information Computing and Applications, 2012,9,第1位,EI收录,pp 653-658。
11.Strengthening the culture construction of mathematic to improve comprehensive quality of college students. Education and education management, 2012, 9,4, vols, 4.第1位, ISTP收录. Pp.117-122。
12. Statistical analysis of the Low Carbon Economy of High - tech enterprises in Shandong province, Proceedings of International Conference on Social Science and Environmental Protection, 2012, 12,第1位,pp 395-399。
13. Statistical Analysis of the Development Tragedy of Low Carbon Economy of Hi-tech Industry in Shandong province, Civil, Materials and Environmental Sciences ,2013, 4,11, Vol. 742 ,第1位,EI收录,pp 404-409。
14. Integrating the mathematical culture into the reform and practice of college mathematics teaching, 2013 fourth international conference on education and sports education, 2013-4-11, Vol.11,第1位,ISTP收录,pp 3-8。
15.Efficient LED PackageDesignBased onMathematical Model, International journal of advancements in computer technology , 2013.5, Vol. 5,第1位,EI收录,Pp191-198。
16. Programming of Mathematical model for comprehensive evaluation of individual capacity, Applied mechanics and materials. Vol. 608-609,2014-9-13,第1位,EI收录,PP839-843.
17. Research on Scales Reflecting Cup Based on Scheme Macro Language Programming, Materials, Mechanics and information engineering, Vol. 729 , 2014-10-24.第1位,pp 228-233.
18. The Application of probability theory and mathematical statistics in the real life, International Conference on Advances in Management Engineering and Information Technology, 2015-6-28,第1位,CPCI收录,pp861-867.
19. Study on Method of Improving the Professional Skill of Normal School Students of Mathematics, 2015 4th international conference on physical education and society management, 2015-12-6, Vol. 48,第1位,CPCI收录,Pp160-165.
20. Thecomputer heat simulation of LED package,the 2nd international conference on material engineering and application, 2015,7,第1位, CPCI收录,pp 654-659.
21. Study on Strengthening Practice Teaching to Improve Teachers' Skills of Normal Students, Proceedings of 2016 6th international conference on education and sports education, 2016-3-22,Vol. 51,第1位,Pp211-215.
教研成果奖:大学数学文化课程建设研究与实践 校级三等奖,研究报告,2015-5